Notion allows you to embed a Tweet inside a page, it’s particularly useful if you want to bookmark an interesting thread that you saw on Twitter.
To embed a Tweet, Notion created a special block, just type /tweet on your Notion page and click on the Twitter badge.
Then you will be able to paste a Tweet URL, and it will be automatically embedded on the page.
Embed a Tweet in Notion from Twitter using Klippper
Klippper can make it easier for you to save a tweet in your Notion database by allowing you to do it without leaving Twitter.
So how does this work?
1 - Create a database in Notion to store tweets
Let’s name the database Tweet Bookmarks with a title and an URL. Then share the database with the Klippper extension.
2 - Set up the form on the extension
Create a new form for the “Tweet Bookmarks” database with the page URL and title as the default value.
3 - Save a tweet to Notion
Open the form and check the “Clip all page content” checkbox, then click on the save page button. If you are on a Tweet's page it will embed it directly in your Notion page!
4 - Enjoy your saved Tweets!
Once you click save on the previous page, Klippper will create a new entry in your database and embed the Tweet automatically. In addition, if the Tweet contains an image, it will be set as the cover image of your page!